On 13 November, the Paediatric Emergency Room of the A.O.U. Maggiore della Carità in Novara was inaugurated, with the presence of the Piedmont Regional Councillor for Health, Antonio Saitta. Created thanks to a donation from Abio Novara, the aquarium with dolphins, turtles and lots of colourful fish will be an important support for children, parents and doctors. Because the Dream of the [...]

The Games Corner for the Waiting Room

Sometimes a world full of colour and imagination can be hidden behind a wall. All you have to do is break through it and... oplà, that's what the children will see while waiting for treatment at the Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan. Painted by artist SILVIO IRILLI and set up in 4 hours Watch the Gallery

An Aquarium for Salerno Hospital

Salerno, May 2017 :: The Radiotherapy bunker has become a large aquarium with paintings by artist SILVIO IRILLI, which have integrally decorated over 200 square metres of surface area. A great work made possible thanks to the donation of the Open Onlus Association of Salerno in collaboration with the Trenta Ore per la Vita Association. For the young patients will be [...]