

 "In one or two days, the ward magically changes from white to colour, and on Monday, when the doctors arrive, they think they have got the wrong hospital! ...and then there are the little patients who, under their eyes, see their World arrive and go back to dreaming" (SILVIO IRILLI artist and founder of Painted Hospitals)

"Treasure Island" playroom Giannina Gaslini Institute of Genoa

Children's Hospital of Parma Paediatric Emergency Room Reception Area

Children's Hospital of Parma Paediatric Emergency Room Inpatient rooms

HD Oncohaematology Salerno Hospital

Submarine Tunnel Gaslini Hospital, Genoa

Paediatric Oncology Taranto Hospital

Paediatric Radiotherapy Salerno Hospital

Paediatric Emergency Department - General Hospital of Messina

Department of Paediatric Oncology, Taranto Hospital