Reparto di Neuropsichiatria infantile Policlinico Umberto I di Roma


Il Policlinico Umberto I di Roma con Emmaland ed Ospedali Dipinti insieme per la Neuropsichiatria Infantile.

L’arte di Ospedali Dipinti® e l’associazione Emmaland uniti in un meraviglioso e variopinto giardino che racconterà sulle pareti della Sala Giochi del reparto di Neuropsichiatria Infantile dell’Ospedale Umberto I di Roma, una storia piena di amore, coraggio e speranza per allontanare le paure dei piccoli pazienti

"When someone sets in motion a machine fueled by the desire to do good for sick children, our mission is to welcome and accompany this journey and make the ride go faster and faster. A facility of excellence where every day our professionals renew the pact with their little patients: the best care and therapy always with a smile."
Dr. Fabrizio d'Alba
General director of the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome


"Our association was established with the intention of keeping Emma's memory alive. The courage, determination and strength shown during her short life accompanies each of our initiatives. The meeting with Silvio Irilli of "Painted Hospitals" gave us the opportunity to undertake and implement projects that are particularly close to our hearts. To beautify the walls of hospitals in pediatric wards in order to have a comfortable and colorful visual impact, we consider it of paramount importance. Emma's personal experience, and ours as a result, has taught us that a cozy, fairy-tale environment really does make a difference, especially in the most difficult moments. For this reason, after giving a painted garden full of colors to the children of the Ss.Trinita' Hospital in Borgomanero and those of the Ospedale Maggiore Hospital in Novara, we did not hesitate for a moment to broaden our horizons. "Emma's Garden" will also make magic the playroom of the department of pediatric neurology at the Umberto I Hospital in Rome. We are honored, happy, confident and excited about this new project that we are sure will convey Emma's values to all the people who will be pass through that place. The amazement in the eyes of the children will be our greatest satisfaction."
Claudia and Michael
Emmaland Association
"When one finds oneself walking through the doors of a hospital, whether for a visit or for an inpatient stay, one experiences a delicate moment, and this is true for everyone but especially for the youngest patients. This initiative, which will be able to help make the emotional impact milder for our patients and their families, is also a great help for the medical staff and operators, who can thus find themselves operating in an atmosphere of greater serenity thanks to the peace of mind of everyone. I am certain that the artistic intervention of Silvio Irilli of Painted Hospitals® in our recreational area will be able to offer the environments of the UOC of Child Neuropsychiatry of Umberto I Hospital a new, even more serene and welcoming look, and for this I thank the EMMALAND Association that decided to donate this beautiful opportunity to our department."
Prof. Francesco Pisani
Director of the UOC of Child Neuropsychiatry Umberto I Hospital in Rome

L'opera è stata donata dall'Associazione Emmaland

Emmaland is a charitable ETS (Ente Terzo Settore, better known as an association), created to raise funds to improve the lives of children (and parents) who have to face the difficult path of recovery from oncohaematological diseases.

Emma left as a gift love, a desire to party, joy, courage and determination.
Emmaland is the union of all these values that they manifest at every event.
Collect with a smile.

Eliminating immunosuppressive diseases will not be possible, making the healing process easier to cope with will be!

"Ringrazio Emmaland e i genitori di Emma che per il terzo anno consecutivo mi hanno affidato questo progetto sempre molto emotivo e coinvolgente, e ammiro il coraggio mostrato nel voler portare al di fuori della regione Piemonte “Il Giardino di Emma”. Ieri a Roma Emma, trasformata in un dolcissimo cartoon, vivrà in un giardino che si affaccia su monumenti come il Colosseo, i Fori Imperiali, la cupola di San Pietro, facendo compagnia, insieme agli altri colorati personaggi che la affiancano, ai piccoli ospiti del reparto e supportando le attività didattiche che si svolgeranno in questa saletta. Ovviamente un grande ringraziamento va alla direzione del Policlinico Umberto I che ha accolto con entusiasmo l’iniziativa, e in particolar modo al professor Francesco Pisani, che ha individuato immediatamente lo spazio dove poteva essere realizzato “Il Giardino di Emma”.
Artist and Founder of Painted Hospitals


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