We design, support the fundraising of non-profit organisations with our social channels and carry out the work in a short time: this is our strength.
We transformed over 1300 square metres of the entire Radiotherapy Department of the Policlinico Gemelli Hospital in Rome. We brought an image of cheerfulness to the entirePaediatric Radiotherapy Department ofthe Ruggi D'Aragona Hospital in Salerno, transformed the 140 square metre corridor of the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin into an enchanted forest, and set the Novara Emergency Department in an aquarium.
That's why when you enter a room created by the artist SILVIO IRILLI, you have the feeling of entering a large fresco that gives serenity to adults and continues to make children dream.

Professionalism, talent and creativity have made SILVIO IRILLI one of the most appreciated and esteemed artists on the international contemporary art scene.
In the 1990s he was the official cartoonist for the television programme 'Solletico' on Rai Uno.
Until 2000, his paintings illustrated the covers of sports and entertainment newspapers such as Tuttosport, Guerin Sportivo, Sorrisi e Canzoni and others.
In 2007 and 2008 he painted murals at the GEORGIA AQUARIUM in Atlanta, the largest aquarium in the world in the USA, and received articles in American newspapers and a special on the news of NBC, a well-known American television channel.
More than 2 million visitors each year see his 300 square metre work painted on the entrance ceiling of the GEORGIA AQUARIUM.
In 2012 he created the Painted Hospitals project and since 2017 he has been the official Samsung artist for the creation of themes for smartphones, which are downloaded all over the world!
"I love transforming hospital wards into EMOTIONAL ENVIRONMENTS: because the patient is not just a patient, he is above all a person! “.
SILVIO IRILLI ( Artist and Founder of Painted Hospitals )

Some images of the work painted for the Atlanta Aquarium in 2008
Not just a decoration
Decorating a hospital ward is not just about embellishing a room with pictures.
It means bringing a message of welcome, of support to doctors who have to follow the patient and accompany him for treatment. Above all, it means giving some relief to patients who have to face a journey that requires courage and dignity. It becomes even more important when the therapy has to be carried out by children, who find themselves in a context that is outside their own world. It is important to recreate their world in a hospital ward, so that they can continue to dream. That's why every work I create has to interact with the children, telling them a story so that their therapy journey becomes a game. For adults, on the other hand, the settings I create are about enhancing the territory, which is so rich in history and which can take them into another dimension.
L'Artista uses workshops with great professionals, always up-to-date with the latest developments on the digital printing market.
All prints of works by the artist SILVIO IRILLI are executed with state-of-the-art, certified latex paints.
Class A1, A2, B, C, D, E, F materials
European classification EN 13501-1
Washable Surfaces
Installation is carried out using only water-based products
All technical data sheets of the products used are available
Fittings can be made in full, in part or with panelling